Biography: Rashmi Saxena Pal
The poor air quality of indoors nowadays are responsible for the major health problems, especially in children. Asthma is considered the most common chronic disease in urban-dwelling children. Allergists consider indoor air filtration to be part of a comprehensive measure to improve respiratory health. Air purifiers with HEPA filters have been shown to improve symptoms of asthma, allergies and other air borne infections. However, filtration systems and air purifiers do not reduce levels of all indoor air pollutants, therefore there is a need of addition of houseplants. The use of plants can be uniquely useful in these environments where other kinds of remediation technology may be impractical or difficult to deploy. In addition to basic photosynthesis that removes carbon dioxide and returns oxygen to the air, plants can remove toxicants from air, soil, and water. For maximal control over the elevated levels of mercury vapours, formaldehyde etc, multiple species of houseplants are required. They should be planted at the sites to remove the relevant toxicants in a particular space. The houseplants are specific in the types of chemicals they are able to remove from the environment. The true potential of these indoor plants are yet to be explored and the awareness regarding their benefits is to be focussed upon. This review deals with the detailed study of some indoor plants such as Spider lily, Bamboo palm, Snake plant, Red edged Draceana,Boslon fern, Weeping fig, Rubber plant, Peace lily etc.